Jury information
Update 29.01.22 - 18:00:
The jury has descided that the course for tomorrow will be closed until 09:00, same as today. Warm up and skitest before that will also be same as today. Course will be groomed between 07:00 and 08:00, starting with the test area.
Update 29.01.22 - 10:45:
Update 28.01.22 - 21:00:
The jury has decided that the course will be closed until 09.00, as said at Team Captains meeting 27.01.22. There will be opportunities for glide tests from the upper bridge, next to the wax tent, and follow the sprint course. Wax can be tested in the last sprint uphill. Take off your skis on the top, and walk down. These are the opportunities before 09.00. The biathlon arena will also have classic tracks. The course will be open as today between 09.00 and 09.50. Follow the direction of the course.
Update 26.01.22 - 19:00