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Hopprenn i iSonen

Hvordan opprette hopprenn i iSonen. How to register athletes from other nations.

Se informasjon på denne artikkelen der det er lenke til iSonen webinar og generelle bruksanvisninger.


Det er viktig at hopprenn opprettes med Offisielle øvelser og med riktig hoppbakke i Tilleggsvalg 1, samt riktig K i Tilleggsvalg 2.

Om bakkene er definert i K-Jump fra før (og det er de som regel), vil rennet importeres og matches direkte med dette slik at man enkelt kan lage en startliste med riktige bakkeegenskaper.

OPPRETT HOPPRENN Steg for steg, inkl. hvordan angi offisielle øvelser


Utenlandske utøvere i iSonen / minidrett

How to create user for foreign athlete in systems minidrett / iSonen.
If you do not already have a user in iSonen.no (or minidrett.no) and you are not Norwegian / not member of a Norwegian club, then you can still enter to competitions in Norway if you follow instructions below :-) Details with screen shots are outlined in this document:

1. Create user in minidrett.no with no ID and no club
2. Send email to coordinator stale.villumstad@skiforbundet.no with following information
* confirmation that user is created user and that you have a valid license in home country / NSA
* Name
* Club (real club you in home country)
* FIS code (if any)
* Body measruments: Height/Crotch/Arm

3. Coordinator will complete with license and a dummy club called “Ukjent/utenlandsk”. It can take up to an hour for minidrett.no to sync with iSonen. We will also add the real club and FIS code to the K-Jump result system for ski jumping competitions.
4. You will be notified, so you can proceed to enter your first national competition in Norway.

These points are only needed first time.

Now you can log into iSonen.no with the email/password you just created in minidrett.no to enter competitions.

Find / select the correct competition and register by clicking “Påmelding”. Remember to select the club “Ukjent/utenlandsk”. Then select exercise/class and make payment.

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